Introduce Yourself!
- New member (2 Replies)
- Hi All! - 1139th Combat Engineering group (10 Replies)
- Hello From Alexandria, VA Interested in Engineer Aviation Firefighting Platoons (7 Replies)
- Trier Germany & the Saar-Moselle Triangle (5 Replies)
- 61St Combat Engineers (4 Replies)
- 1260 Combat Engineer Battalion (15 Replies)
- 250th Engineer Combat Bn (13 Replies)
- Saying Hello to all (1 Reply)
- New (10 Replies)
- info on 363rd and 369th Engineers (30 Replies)
- Francorchamps, Belgium, European Center of Military History (4 Replies)
- 1284th (11 Replies)
- New member - Tom Caulkins son of 316th Engineer (47 Replies)
- 342nd Engineers and ADSEC - son of Captain Stuart Abraham (2 Replies)
- New Member- 208th EN from Art Bushon (5 Replies)
- Italy (9 Replies)
- Wanting to know about my dads service while in europe (21 Replies)
- new member - father's 1374th EPD (10 Replies)
- New Member - son of Veteran of 398th (1 Reply)
- another new member (5 Replies)