Famous/not so famous Audio & Video Clips from the War
Important Threads
- Video Footage Now Available on Main Site (0 Replies)
- Clearing German Mines and Booby Traps - short video (0 Replies)
- Auto-Biography of a Jeep! (1 Reply)
- WW2: Koblenz, Germany (March 1945) Reel 1/2 - 87th Inf Div (2 Replies)
- 34th Inf Div as filmed by Chaplain DeLoss Marken (0 Replies)
- The Pipeline - sent to me by veteran Ray Repasky (0 Replies)
- "The Red Bull Attacks" 34th Infantry Division Film (3 Replies)
- US 6th Corps in Italy (1 Reply)
- Old films found in an attic bring long-lost love story back to life (4 Replies)
- Vets gets to see film of himself decades after the war (2 Replies)
- The Famous Third Army (0 Replies)
- Operation Dragoon (0 Replies)
- Engineers in Combat (1944) (2 Replies)
- Film footage USS Laffey - kamikazee attack (0 Replies)
- Bridge at Worms (1 Reply)
- Voice of Victory - How radio equipment helped to win World War II (0 Replies)
- Spitfire footage - vet sees when he's 83! (4 Replies)
- Engineers in Combat - World War II - Archive.org (0 Replies)
- Operation PLUTO (Pipe-Lines Under The Ocean) (1944) (2 Replies)
- Midway by John Ford (0 Replies)
- Rare color film - Iwo Jima (4 Replies)