Announcements, Get Well Wishes & Farewells
- Farewell Raymond Haerry (2 Replies)
- Farewell Tuskegee Airman, John Harrison (2 Replies)
- Well wishes for Capt John Fallon, 36th Engineer (4 Replies)
- Farewell Donald Burgett - 101st Airborne (3 Replies)
- Farewell William Liebenow (2 Replies)
- Farewell "Band of Brothers" Edward Tipper (3 Replies)
- Rest in Peace - Ed Saraniero - 48th Combat Engineer (0 Replies)
- The passing of Carl Furtado - 36th Combat Engineer (16 Replies)
- Farewell Chief David Beautiful Bald Eagle-82nd Airborne (2 Replies)
- Farewell to John Zappitello (36th Eng) and his wife Marguerite (6 Replies)
- Farewell Louis J. Slonina - 148th Engineer (1 Reply)
- The passing of Armonde Casagrande - 343rd Engineer (1 Reply)
- Passing of PFC Bert W. Zimmerman, 1264 ECB (6 Replies)
- Happy Birthday Captain John Fallon - 36th Engineer (2 Replies)
- Farewell Marty Marsh - 36th Engineer (4 Replies)
- Farewell John Sefko - 36th Engineer (0 Replies)
- Thoughts and Prayers for Carl Furtado - 36th Engineer (13 Replies)
- Farewell Joe Izzillo - 394th Engineer (4 Replies)
- Farewell Bill Jasper - 87th Inf Div (1 Reply)
- Rest in Peace - Paul Fogel - 36th Engineer (2 Replies)