Hello Kyle,
That is the same information I got from Dee Eberhart when he replied to my letter recently, along with some other info. He said there has always been confusion regarding "Dachau" because there is (1) Dachau town (2) Dachau concentration camp (seperated from #3 by a moat and electrified barbed-wire fence. (3) Dachau SS Admin. building & training camp, and (4) Many outlying subcamps operated by Dachau. I think it's safe to say that both the 45th and 42nd had a hand in the liberation of this terrible blot on humanity.
Your right Jim, it doesnt matter who was there first! Were glad they were all liberated so that aweful treatment of people was stopped!!!
It's that anniversary again...
On this day 1945, S/SGT Walter Fritz, 3rd platoon Co B 48 Engrs., cut the locks on the front gate of Dachau, infamous German torture camp. Camp was taken by 42nd, & 45th Inf Divisions.
Al Kincer 48th Combat Engineer
It's that anniversary again...
On this day 1945, S/SGT Walter Fritz, 3rd platoon Co B 48 Engrs., cut the locks on the front gate of Dachau, infamous German torture camp. Camp was taken by 42nd, & 45th Inf Divisions.
Al Kincer 48th Combat Engineer
I would love to know if this was mentioned today on the news in anybody's city or state? These are the events that need to be recalled each year...not just by those of us who belong to WWII forums, but by all freedom loving people, lest we never forget....
Couldn't agree more darling! These are THE important things that are worth mentioning and recalling. NOT Paris Hilton, NOT Sheryl Crow and her One Piece of Toilet Paper Campaign, but things that truly affected and affect us all. What more need I say?
One last fact...I gave Lt Haley orders to report to G-3 45th Division. BUT why after 55 years did the CG 42 Div. remember the third platoon Co B 48 Engineers specifically? AL
I visited the Camp of Natzwiller in France and and hell what the peoples had to go through was realy inhuman, and thanks to boards like this one it will not be forgotten what the Germans did to Woman's Men's and children.
When I saw the movie Schindler's List I was shocked how on Earth could someone heart innocent children, hey I knew from my Grandparents that the Germans were (bad guys) to say it polite, but usually no one is bad to kids.
After that I ordered some books about that matter I read the SS state from Eugen Kogon, The SS from on other author, Euthansie , and I read a book from *]Das Mädchen von der Schindler-Liste. Aufzeichnungen einer KZ-Überlebenden* well I'll try to interpred the title for you it sounds like ( the girl from the schindlers list who survived the kz her name is Stella Müller-Madej )
and this book realy gave's me the creeps I don't know if it's available in the states if yes buy it!
One of the points in the books who realy made me mad were one of her eyewitnesses when a german cabrio and a truck arrived at a kindergarden the kindergarden was in in the 3 floor she wrote that the german officiers were drunk, they moved into the house and yelled like mad one's to get people out then they took the kids and throw them out of the window on the truck's platform from the 3 floor she wrote in her book that that those children between the age of 3 to 6 who weren't dead were yelling from pain and the german officier's were laughting.
This book hurts believe me...
My God, that is sickening. As you stated, to do things to woman and innocent little children is outrageous! How anyone could have gassed anyone, but especially young ones, is just beyond description. No adjectives will suffice.
Thanks for the book recommendation. Sounds like a hard one to get through.
There had to be literally thousands of incidents like this that took place during the war, which makes you wonder...How did so many sadistic bastards happen to be congregated in Germany between 1933 and 1945? Was there something in the water? A single incident of cruelty to a child is deplorable, but to do it en masse, all over Europe for a period of 6 years begs for illumination...some kind of explanation. 