Thanks for taking sides with me, SgtLeo, but I'm really not bothered by what others think. Let them have their SuperBowl team collectibles, if they want and I won't say a word.
After watching the movie "El Alamein", I just had to get my hands on one of these.

Tropical Helmet for 10th Army Artillery
Has some damage to the cork shell but a little stuffing fills out the voids.
Also has so me stains and is missing the leather chin strap.
I actually didn't buy this. I made a trade with a friend in Italy who re-enacts as a US soldier and wanted some unit history books. He also threw in another Officer Alpini hat from post-1942 design. It is smaller than my other one and a little worse for the wear.
Nice helmet Steve. I watched "El Alamein" last night and saw the transport uniform you referred to! 

Most of you have probably seen this before, or others similar to it. It is a WWII surrender leaflet that was dropped behind German lines. It has instructions for surrender printed in German and in English.

Here's a very special personal item that I received in themail last week from my new friend Joe Medina of the 36th CE. Just before returning to the states, my father wrote his name and address on the cover of his Army paybook and gave it to Joe. He had been holding on to it for 62 years.
Notice that the ink was smudged and he was unable to read the address.

Here's a very special personal item that I received in themail last week from my new friend Joe Medina of the 36th CE. Just before returning to the states, my father wrote his name and address on the cover of his Army paybook and gave it to Joe. He had been holding on to it for 62 years.
Notice that the ink was smudged and he was unable to read the address.
Chris items can top a piece of "Dad's" WWII history in my book! Thank you for sharing this. 
Here, here! What wonderful and exciting news. To have an actual item with your dad's handwriting from back then. What a treasure.
I can remember getting a photo from the son of one of the men in my dad's motor pool and lo and behold, there were our dads. I won't forget the thrill I got that day!
I tried to upload a picture of my "new" Ernie Pyle magazine. Hey it worked!!

Extremely cool! Three cheers! 
Thanks M.... I thought of you immediately when I first opened the magazine and saw a highly complimentary article by Ernie, about the Engineers. This was really a find on ebay, as I have never seen one like it before. It really is an actual magazine filled with just his reports that sold for a quarter back in '43. Shipping included I paid under $10 for it, although I would have bid higher if need be, for now I am collecting only Allied (Good Guys) stuff...American in particular. That fine looking Afrika Korp helmet was sold to pay for Bailey's cancer treatment, which was good to convert to good works! She felt good enough today to chase a field cat halfway to the next county, so I am smiling again
That's a great ebay find. Anything with Ernie.
Do you have any good ideas on how to display things like that ? I believe they should be hung on the wallbut it would be nice to have it insomething that would open for access occassionaly. Maybey a coffee table with a glass overlay? Any suggestions?
Also , I'm glad to hear that Bailey is better!