Hey Marion,
Thank you for your reply.
I also like them a lot, a buddy of mine is checking out the exact locations (he confirmed that this are Son DZ photographs) so that would be pretty interesting.
Well...this isn't an aerial view, but interesting photos also....two of six I purchased recently of the Paperhanger & Co. On the back of each is the purple inkstamp from Hoffman's studio. These are press photos and they are original, not copies. This would be a nice aerial photo from a B-17 

Ooh, la, laa! Have NOT seen those photos before. One can honestly say they are a bit spooky. Just to look at that LITTLE CREEP!
When someone says to me, my vote doesn't count, or one person can't change the world, I can only point and show the little sh--s photo! 
Ooh, la, laa! Have NOT seen those photos before. One can honestly say they are a bit spooky. Just to look at that LITTLE CREEP!
When someone says to me, my vote doesn't count, or one person can't change the world, I can only point and show the little sh--s photo! 
The first time I had thes photos in my hands I couldn't help but think to myself whoever took them was close enough to that little s___t to have put at least two rounds into him before getting iced himself. And no...I would not have had the courage to do that either, but it was an interesting thought...
I've decided to build my own Japanese Zero! For one thing, I spent half my working life building aircraft parts at that place in Seattle (actually it was Auburn) and now I've got the first piece! Anyone remember the Johnny Cash tune (I got it one piece at a time..." 

It's a 41, 42, 43, 44,45.....
It's a 41, 42, 43, 44,45.....
I forgot about that lyric! 