Recently I had an opportunity to purchase an authentic "cricket" signaling device like the ones our paratroopers used on D-Day. This is just one of several styles of these children's toys that was used and it is in near mint condition. It could be 1944 or later (1950's) because I had one like it when I was 6 or 7 years old in the mid 50's, but it's authenticity was verified by the soldier pictured as being exactly like the one he carried from D-Day to Market Garden.

If it looks familiar to any of our ETO Vets here please let me know.

Well now I will have to get one, for if we run into each other in the middle of the night in the middle of the woods...
Would like to share with you the humble beginnings of my Pacific display. This is my one and only mannequin, who has changed his affiliations and even his loyalties too many times to count! This was the only mannequin I could afford, so please pardon the way his uniform hangs...He really has only a head, a torso, and white PVC piping for legs to utilize. I fashioned a right arm for him out of a strip of foam tubing and I will "tidy him up" as time and materials permit in the future. The helmet & helmet cover (and gloves) are not original WWII USMC, but everything from the neck down is, including his USMC ammo belt and roughouts (boots). A friend of mine in Australia is sending me a KABAR knife (commonly referred to as a "Ball Cutter") & sheath as a belated Christmas gift. I'll be adding more to my display a piece at a time
ps- The grenade is inert, and also post-WWII I believe.
He looks like a Mike or maybe a Bud (pronounce "Buuuudd"). 
Very nice display!
Hmmmm, he DOES look like a MIKE. Michael B. Mannequin.
Marlis, Welcome to the forum and thanks for posting the keepsakes. Those are just great!