Looks like it's in good shape!

It is in nice condition and didn't cost much. I am down to just a few 'axis' items now. I decided to just honor the Allied participants in WWII and get rid of the rest. For one thing, I can't afford to buy many things anymore so I will just limit my collection to American,British, Canadian or Russian. These items are far easier (usually) to verify. Most Collectors have been burned on fakes before and I'm no exception... 
FYI A few of my souvenirs:-
Here's a few patches I cut off POW Uniforms. When they first saw my boot knife they worried!!

This is a German Navy Flag which had been on a warship(Kreismarine Flagge) until liberated.

This was picked up and used by one of my guys who lost his own pot so MPs gave him one of their D-Day Pots.

Ah an amphibious engineers MP helmet. GREAT!
Also some nice patches and a flag buddy.

Schloss Neuschwanstein:-
The castle on which Disney based Cinderella's Castle in Florida's Disney World. It isn't too far from the city of Cologne.

Ohhhh, did not know that. I can see the resemblence.
From a German POW camp for Allied officers:

I like the flag, it's in great shape!

A Panzergrenadier(Mechanized Infantryman) was an unhappy camper when I took this away from him. It's a Sauer and Sohn 7.65mm(.32cal) pistol that is truly accurate.
The magazine holds seven rounds and put one in the chamber, apply the safety and you have an 8 shot automatic. I still have the holster and the spare mag. that went on it with his name etc inside. Shoots great!!
Been offerred $$$ by a collector but no sale!


Nice shootin' iron, Sarge
In fact, all the items you've shown are nice. To a Collector, any artifact with a certfiable "Veteran bringback" attached to it carries twice the value of the same item without. 
a Sauer and Sohn 7.65mm(.32cal) pistol that is truly accurate.
Nice pistol. I'm not familiar with that one. Has a lot of feature similiar to the Walter PP.
Ohhhh, did not know that. I can see the resemblence.
Yeah, Marion. If you look closely, you can see TinkerBell flying above the clouds.