I thought it would be fun to see everyones favoritescollectibles and memoribilia. I bet that this group has some really great stuff. Besides, it gives us a chance to show off a little and practice our photography skills
Here's one of mine;This canteen belonged to FW Stephens. Heengraved it with the bayonet tip. I hilighted it with a black pen so it would show up better

Awesome collectible. It reminded me of a great story that was shared with me by one of the 540th that I had the opportunity to spend two days with last year.
Said he had lost his "tin cup". Had not seen it in almost a year. Was in a chow line somewhere in Europe and danged if he didn't see his tin. He walked over to the GI holding it and exclaimed, "Hey, I believe you have something of mine!" The GI looked at him skeptically and bellowed something to the effect of, "I don't think so!" So Bill told him to look at the inscription. Sure enough, there was Bill's name etched into the old tin. The guy gave it up. Bill still has it to this very day!! 
I love sharing photos and stories about WWII collectables! This weekend at our local antique store I found an original 1945 copy of "Up Front," by Bill Mauldin.

Since my budget is microscopic I don't have much to show.
Here's a pullover I found balled up in a dresser drawer my grandpa saved from going to the dump.

And his name is still visible.

That's your Grandpa's? Very Cool....My Dad was Navy also! 
Here is a small souvenir I picked up on my trip to the Normandy beaches. The little militaria shop in St. Mere Eglise had a lot of nice but expensive items. So I looked for some thing that I could afford and I could take back on the plane.
He had a display case with German dogtags of various units. Then I noticed the square ones---these were made for the POWs. I squinted to read the inscription and Wow!! Stalag IIb
That was the POW camp that my Uncle was sent to. I had to have that dogtag.

My Uncle suffered the last 5 or 6 years with alzheimers disease and he died last summer. I passed this dogtag around to show his family and friends at the funeral.
This is a really poor photo I took while making a talk to the local high school's Military History Club. So the photo doesn't show much detail of the uniform but gives you an idea of the fun I had doing this talk. I tricked this student into dressing up for the class and I snapped this photo of him.
This is my Italian Army Model 1940 officer's tunic. It is quite dingy and it even had dirt in the pockets but there is no damage to the material. The material is like a gaberdine and the buttons are plastic. The Captain's rank is on the sleeve. The color tabs are for Artillery(the Italian's did not follow the norm for their branch colors: yellow for artillery & red for cavalry).
The visor cap is for the 9th Artillery Regiment(light). These two items were not purchased at same time and the bands on the cap denote a different rank than that indicated on tunic's sleeves.

Here is a close-up of my Artillery hat next to another hat. The Hat on the right is for an Artillery Division(heavy) which is the same insignia seen worn in "Captain Correlli's Mandolin".

Very nice Steve! I have only recently taken notice of the Italian uniforms and caps, as I guy on ebay has an incredible collection he has been liquidating of both Italian and German DAK items. He is selling them to fund a school for underpriveliged children in South America (forgot which country). They are still for the most part affordable compared to TR items in general. Right now he has a beauty of an Italian pith helmet with insignia.