
Full Version: Photos from German bunker
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Yeah that's true Custerman and have you seen how big and deep the bomb holes are at pointe du hoc, I thought the same thing when I've been there the first time how could one survive this and how was it possible that that the bunkers weren't destroyed all.


Thanks Lennon for the great link from Maisy. :drinkin:I wish I could go there this year!


In 2001 we talked to the owner of one of the museum at Omaha Beach and he told us there are a lot of bunkers and other remains from that time to be be uncovered and that the French governement interfere and hindered to dig out those relicts for years.

(In the 50 a lot of bunkers and other things were dig in the sands of Normandy beach)


The man also told us *in 2001* now theGovernement is awakening cos there's a lot of money in play. :pdt: Tourisme after Pr. Ryan.


He said the Panzergraben from Omaha Beach was filled with all kind of guns and stuff before it was filled with sand from the Beach, maybe one day they will remove this artefacts in good condition.


A friend of mine lives in lorient/brittany.
Can you tell me please where that is I've never heard about it ?? ?? ??
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