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Here are some foto's I took yesterday on Memorial Day in Margraten , the Netherlands .



Actually I dont recall Memorial Day back in '45 and wha I/we did. It was only about 3

weeks after wars end in ETO. Our company was billetted in civilian houses taken over by the Military in a small village in Austria. Trouble was though, roumor had it that our

3rd Inf Div. was slated to go to the Pacific Theatre of Operations. Which never happened. Thank God. Today, I just rode a few miles back in the woods on my ATV

and sat a while. Reminiceing about the many friends and buddies I lost, and being

thankfull to God for bringing me home alive. No one around me so I could do some

recalling of what happened and then putting it deep back in my memory. A couple of

quiet hours of remembering and then back home. No flags waving, no music, just a

quiet couple of hours in THEIR honor. So maybe I didnt celibrate it the proper way,

but it was my way.

Joe my dear, who's to say that there is a proper way to honor your buddies, or that your method isn't the right one? Anytime they enter your thoughts and you take a moment to reflect on them, then you honor them. They know. We know.


Lenn; May GOD bless you for starting that program. Years from now American kids will have to go to Belgium to find out about Americas part in WWII. That is, if they will know on what continent Belgium is on.

A few years back, a poll was taken of high school graduates on history. Several could not locate where Washington D.C. was. One student said it was on the west coast. I wonder if he knew what side of the country the west coast was on?


Here's to the A.C.L.U. --- May it sink back into the muck, from whence it came

Ya, and how can a child raised in this country not even know what the Revoltionary War was or when it was fought. One question they had was, when was the Civil War fought. One young lady (about 22) answered, uh, around 1950? Have mercy on us all. :banghead:

Ya, and how can a child raised in this country not even know what the Revoltionary War was or when it was fought. One question they had was, when was the Civil War fought. One young lady (about 22) answered, uh, around 1950? Have mercy on us all. :banghead:

OK Marion...YOU got me started... ;) Not too long ago I saw a "street survey" of highschool age (and older) young Americans and I was apalled at their lack of knowledge...One girl thought Germany was on OUR SIDE during WWII!! :banghead: Maybe she went to Joe Stalin Highschool :lol: I don't know....God help us.



Oh the humanity!!!!! Now we know that they won't know where that quote came from... :unsure:

Actually I dont recall Memorial Day back in '45 and wha I/we did. It was only about 3

weeks after wars end in ETO. Our company was billetted in civilian houses taken over by the Military in a small village in Austria. Trouble was though, roumor had it that our

3rd Inf Div. was slated to go to the Pacific Theatre of Operations. Which never happened. Thank God. Today, I just rode a few miles back in the woods on my ATV

and sat a while. Reminiceing about the many friends and buddies I lost, and being

thankfull to God for bringing me home alive. No one around me so I could do some

recalling of what happened and then putting it deep back in my memory. A couple of

quiet hours of remembering and then back home. No flags waving, no music, just a

quiet couple of hours in THEIR honor. So maybe I didnt celibrate it the proper way,

but it was my way.

Joe ,


There indeed is no proper way !

You were there , you were with them . We were not !

We can only do what we can do now.... Raise flags , visit the cemetaries and say prayers ....

You, my friend, should remember them in your own way because that's the way they would wanted to be remembered .

A man should be with his comrades at any time , especially on Memorial Day .

That's what you are doing and you're doing great Joe !



Joe; You are indeed fortunate, being able to go out in God's open country

and sit there and reflect back to the time when it was our turn..

It is different here in the city. I started the day by raising the POW<MIA

banner just below the FLAG. My flag pole is 20ft high and as luck would have

it, there was a nice breeze, so I just stood there, saluted and like you I

thought back to those times in N. Africa ans Italy..Joe did you know Italy is

over 800 miles from Salerno to Venice. That was quite a walk. I could have

used your ATV up on the No. Appenines. Anyway later wife and I went to

the cementary and placed flowers on some T/Stones including her brothers,

Bernie,(WWII),Pacific, and Benjamin, (KOREA). So a few tears were shed

and I was NOT embarrassed at all. Quite a day. I DID REMEMBER CASSINO

THE TOWN AND THE MONASTARY. Just hang tough Joe.


Beautiful Photos from Margraten Lennon :drinkin:


I’ll send you my adress !!!!
I didn't got your adress yet, send it before you leave for Normandy so you'll have when you're back!!


By the Way enjoy your trip to Normandy:pdt34: , I wish I could go there myself :(

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