That LOST Battalion is an Infantry Battalion of the 36 Division not the Lost Artillery Battalion of the 131st FA. They were thousands of miles apart. The Infantry Bn. that was cut off in France, in The Vosges, were rescued by the Japanese, American Infantry Bn. (100th) & Co B 111 Engrs. (I was in the 48th Engrs when that took place). If you go to the 36 Division links you will find that story in detail. If not I will find it for you. The 131st was Lost in the South Pacific in 1942. The Infantry Bn. was lost while a part of the 36th. in 1944.
Hi Marion,
It's an pleasure to receive an patch of the 36th. Merci beaucoup, c'est tres gentil.
If you need something, ask me.
Your patch should arrive at your doorstep. I am having it shipped directly to you from the place of purchase. Please let me know when it arrives. I am not sure how long delivery takes to reach France. It could be a couple of weeks, so don't lose hope.
My pleasure,
Hi Marion
OK, thanks a lot, it's very wonderfull of your part.
Merci beaucoup
Hi Marion,
I've just received your wonderfull patch of the 36th. Thanks a lot, it's touch me a lot. Must I pay something ?
Again, merci de tout coeur !
Amicalement Gerome. 
Bonjour a tous,
About my research of my radioman of the 131st FA, I am going to search infos in the wonderfull cimetery of Dinoze where there is 5225 GI burried. It's an wonderfull place.
Again, thanks for your precious help and kindness. It's nice to see you don't forget the memory and past of your uncles, fathers or friends.
Gerome, you made my day. I was worried you would not receive it. Glad it arrived in a timely fashion too. YEAH!!!!
No, you do not owe me anything. It is my gift to you as a new ami! Enjoy and think of me and the 36th when you look at it. 
Hello all,
Good news !!! We have found our man. He is Walter PORTER of the 131st FA, and now we can honor his memory with the nice help of my friend Joe Parks (141st).
We are going to baptize the rock : "La roche Porter" (The Porter's rocks)
Again thanks you for your help,
Wonderful news. It's great being a part of this chain. Have a super day and congrats on putting the pieces together. Isn't it a fantastic feeling when this happens? 
I'm completely confused. If Porter was in the 131 FA, lost in the Pacific. How do you relate him with a battalion of the 141 Inf. Regt. of the 36 Div. fighting in The Vosges??? AL Kincer
I thought you had all of this straight. I had to re-read through the entire thread. Here is what I think has been said.
We learned that one battalion of the 131st FA, 36th Texas Infantry Division was picked to go to the Philippines, where they fought bravely and were captured.
Then it was noted that the 141st Infantry Regiment, 36th Division, was the unit that became the Lost Battalion of WW2. (not to be confused with the lost battalion of WW1).
The 131st was Lost in the South Pacific in 1942. The Infantry Bn. was lost while a part of the 36th. in 1944.
This was your comment that summed up these two historical events.
The 131st FA still served with the 36th Infantry Division during it campaigns in Italy and later in France. It was probably assigned to support the 141st Infantry Regiment in the Vosges which is where Porter was killed in action.
Does that clarify anything? If not, repeat the question.