Got this today from Dave at
As we discussed on the telephone, I am looking for some reenactors to help
us with our vacation bible school event. The VBS happens from Monday July
10th to Thursday July 13th. My need is for reenactors on Thursday July
13th (6pm to 9pm) in Reading Pennsylvania. I'm looking for local US Army
troops (6 people) preferably airborne units which were involved in
Operation Market Garden. They don't have to be paratroopers, but it would
be historically accurate.
This years theme is called "Freedom's Heroes: Heroes of the 1940's" where
we will be portraying an occupied Holland village during the war. On the
last day, the US troops come through and liberate the town (with a parade
type atmosphere). I have included a copy of the script to show what we are
doing. The fourth day script is not complete but the actual liberation
part is in there. The other three days are in there.
Our VBS attendance usually averages 600-700 children per night. They will
range in age from 5 years old through 5th grade (just having completed the
5th grade). Each night, the kids are placed in "rotations," by which
approximately 1/3rd of them at a time are either in our main sanctuary for
the drama, playing games outside in the games area, doing crafts, having a
snack, or participating in "Life Application" where the Bible story and
theme for the evening is explored more deeply with them. So, the drama
each evening is presented 3 times.
I'm sorry for the short notice. The plan was to find reenactors at the
WWII weekend in Reading, but we did not have much luck. We do have German
reenactors which will be helping on the other days.
Thanks for your help,
Pete Thompson
Glad Tidings Assembly of God
Reading, PA
(610) 927-2918 home
(610) 208-3335 work