
Full Version: Engineer Patch - 341st General Srv Reg
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Larry, got your email. Here is the photo for all to see.


In talking to my Mom last nite she said this picture was taken in June 1943

while my Uncle was home on leave from helping with the AlCan highway and

before he shipped out for Europe.




If I had had my act together this whole thing could have been avoided. I think.....


The patch I described was the black and white patch I had seen in the ww11 book "Overseas with the 341st. As I explained to Marion the patch in the book is blacked in from the 12:00 to 2:00 position and from the 6:00 to the 8:00. So now that I refer to your divison patch site it must be the 7th. Is this correct?



Thanks Marion......You are a sweetheart just like everyone says.



now that I refer to your divison patch site it must be the 7th. Is this correct?


Yep. 7th Infantry Division. It does appear to be that. At first you said it was subdued and I was thinking Viet Nam era patch. But this is either a colorized photo or a faded color photo and so the colors can be off by quite a bit. Old faded photos tend to loose their red pigment or for more modern photos they can lose their Blue.


Now try to ask around and see if you can find old letters or such that would give more clues to his exact unit. You will be surprised that some relative will have a letter stuffed away somewhere.

Last weekend, my aunt showed me 5 "undiscovered" letters from her husband---2 of them were sent from Stalag IIb. The letters were sent to his brother and had been in their posession.


Those distant Aunts are good at saving old clippings but they also are slow to find them and show them to others. :(





Here's a book listed on your uncle's first unit before he shipped out overseas:


Hey, how detailed is the book you have on his European unit, the 341st? Just curious.



I have a good image of the shoulder patch and will try and scan it later today if I get a chance. Just so happens that my new book arrived today. How timely! B)


A few days later, but it's finally here...




Thanks for the advice. I have very few Aunts left but I will sure contact them about a V-mail.


I have come across another patch that you may be able to help me identify. This time I went to your site first but no luck.


Here we go with another discreption. This patch is a square box with a scroll at the bottom. Inside the square box is what looks like a Spruce tree. Inside the scroll at the bottom are the words "LOYALTY AND SERVICE". Once again it is in black and white.


I found this in some copies sent me by the Office of Engineers Library. Order of Battle U.S. Army, WW11 by Shelby L. Stanton. This patch is beside the 341st movements etc. blurb.


As always thanks,




Here we go with another discreption. This patch is a square box with a scroll at the bottom. Inside the square box is what looks like a Spruce tree. Inside the scroll at the bottom are the words "LOYALTY AND SERVICE". Once again it is in black and white.

Sounds British. Do you have any colors?

Do you think this was a patch? Or maybe a shield for a DI pin? Did you only see a drawing of it? Or was it shown displayed on a uniform?


I'll keep looking.


Here's another link that talks about the engineering units and the major players in the Alcan Highway.

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