
Full Version: The passing of Bob Mauger 36th CE
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Sent to me by John Fallon. :(


I always enjoy sending out the letters to the troops twice a year and even better getting back word from them. But every time I send out a letter there is a sad side to this; I get back letters that are undeliverable for one reason or other Ususally because we have lost another great comrade. Today I heard from Bob Mauger's daughter and unfortunately Bob has died. He was certinly a regular at our reunions and he brought along his brother-in-law who has become a great friiend of the 36th, Berny Lazensky.


We will keep him in our prayers and know that before too long we will be joining him. May he rest in peace.



36 Engineers are rugged......John Fallon II. Capt. USA Ret.