Well, I just returned from a phenomenal weekend with the 36th Combat Engineers. What a great time. What great people and what things I have learned in three short days. True inspiration! 
I have come away with a renewed spirit to complete my project; getting my book written and published. From this day forth I promise to devote the majority of my time to accomplishing this mission. I have revamped my original intentions on writing separate accounts, and am now going to begin by combining my efforts and writing the book from the standpoint of ALL the VI Corps Combat Engineers. The 36th and 540th covered much of the same territory, so their stories often cross and will compliment each other. This will enable me to accomplish my goals in a shorter amount of time, which is vital point to the men of these units. The youngest now are already 80 and many more are pushing 90. It goes without saying that they would like to see their names in print while they are still alive.
So I hope that I will have your support, my dear friends, and that you will understand where my heart and goals lead me at this point in my life. So while I continue to try and lend my aid and assistance to all my WWII friends, I must place my focus on accomplishing this goal. Thank you for your continuing support and friendship. If you have anything that might assist me in completing this project, please don't hesitate to contact me. This includes any men from the 3rd, 34th, 36th and 45th Infantry Divisions, or anyone else who fought along with the 5th or 7th Armies or VI Corps. Many of the above mentioned units fought alongside with MY engineers and your info may be integral to my book.
You go Girlfriend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thank you SO much Jiggs. That means a lot to me. I talked (through PM) to Larry Alexander the other night before I left for my trip. I was thrilled that he took a moment to answer my letter to him. He said that he gave me a lot of credit to take on a book of this scale. Basically said it was hard enough writing about one man's experiences (for those of you who don't know, it's Dick Winters of the 101st Airborne - Easy Co - you know Band of Brothers). I know that you two are friends, so if you talk to him, please tell him how much I appreciated getting his response.
Well here goes... 
PS. I got your message in PA, and thanks for calling. I too had so much going on, that I probably wouldn't have gotten a chance to get away either. Hey we tried my friend. Anyway, I WILL be back next year and will be taking more time too. Let's hope we can meet in 2006. I would
Thanks. Who knows, it sounds as if your grandfather was with one of these units, so he could very well wind up in this book. 
Just got off the phone with Steve Casey this afternoon. Steve's father was in the 540th. Unfortunately Hurricane Rita put a damper on his plans and he was unable to attend. 
We talked for about a half hour and I told him all about the reunion and the amount of memorabilia that was available, including all the stuff I brought. Said he has all kinds of things to share with me too, but I told him not to despair; the group is planning on meeting again next year! 
Steve has his own printing company and we talked at length about creating items of interest for sale regarding the VI Corps Engineers. Told him I would definitely be interested in something like this in the near future. He also said he would love to jump in and help with the publishing of the book. Told him that that was very fantastic news, since publishing can be a tricky deal. I said that if I couldn't get a publisher right away, then I would have to self-publish and as we all know, it can get expensive. He said that as long as it wasn't a hardcover edition, then we could design something nice and work together. Ah, music to my ears. At least now I know I have my foot in the door and will initially be able to get the books out to the vets and their family members. I feel very inspired!
Things are starting to fall into place. 

Well must run, but wanted to share the good news with everyone. This really gives me even more incentive. 
VERY glad to hear that Marion! I see why events like these are great motivators. Keep it up. I would be very interested in the fruits of all your labor! I know not many of them saw action in teh Netherlands, but if tehr eis anything I can do, let me know.
Stevin, while it IS true that these units did not have action in the Netherlands, which is your area of research, having a friend like you who always backs me up and lends me support, is a number one incentive all to itself.
It's nice just to be able to chat with you and get some of that motivation that is running through your blood. So in that manner you are a tremendous help.
Also you ARE very helpful to me and to many that visit this site because you always seem to have a point of interest to share with my readers and we wind up having more in common that we would have imagined. 
A big hi to your gorgeous wife. Hope all is well on your end. BTW, your site is coming along so nicely. It is something to be very proud of! 

Thanks Marion. The same goed for you. In a short while we have become very friendly an able to help eachother. We will keep up the good work. Again, if there is anything I can do.....You know where to reach me....
and indeed;