I was pleasantly pleased to recieve the September issue and inside was a very nice piece by some Marion Chard???? Who ever that is. She seemed very informed about the540th Combat Engineer Regiment.
All kidding aside , Marion did a very good job of putting the story of these great men into the public's consciousness.
Hats off to you kid!!! I hope the book is not far behind!
Missing in action since the last computer emltdown and replacement!
Jiggs, wow and wow. You are the first to see the article. I haven't even seen it yet!
Really, I haven't! 
It was a THRILL to read this post. I ran out into the family room with drink in hand
and said to my stepson and my husband, "Hey, Jiggs got to read my article first!" So we had a great toast.
Now I can't wait to see it Hey where's my copy and damn it, where's my check? 

Thanks for the compliments. Missed ya and glad you are back. Hope we can link up in PA this fall. Let's try again! 
I was exited to get my copy in the mail today..Good Job!! 
Well I'm glad you got a kick out of my post.
We will give it a try this fall of course!
I hope Marion can spell "Combat" better than Jiggs. 
But WHY is the September issue already out?? I didn't expect it for another 3 or 5 weeks.
Well folks it out, but I haven't seen it yet! Jiggs from Philly told me about it last night. Yipeee! 
I will be the first in line to buy the book. Good luck to you!!! 

Well just got my copy and was thrilled to see my name and article in print. 
However, I was FOREWARNED by all my author friends, that it would be chopped and changed. IT WAS! They said, don't be too disappointed when it comes out.
Don't get me wrong, they did a good job, but it's always disappointing to see. One of my WWII vets said when he saw the article he wrote, it looked so different that he didn't even recognize it.
Well we'll see what happens with my article in Army Engineer Mag at the end of the year. I betcha that one will be a lot closer to the original.
Funny they said they wanted it to be personalized with references to the men. They kept a couple that related to KIA's etc., but took out the reference at Anzio to my DAD and the one regarding Bill Vander Wall, landing on the shores of North Africa with the flag that he still has in his possession today.
That is why I am going to self-publish my book.
I've already heard enough horror stories from Don Burgett! 
Hubby just read it and agreed with my assessment. Said they made it sound very clinical and took out the personalization that they asked for. 
I told him, gee I should be more estatic today, but I guess I have to get over my "pissiness".
He understood how I felt.
Where can I get my hands on a issue??