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You can find it at most major newstands such as Borders, etc. Let me know if you have any problems attaining one.


Here is their site too. They still have the July/August issue listed, not Septembers yet.

Hey guys, hope you don't mind, but I'm moved some of these posts to merge with another ;) Hey and if you did mind, tough. :lol::lol:

Okay, had to talk with a REAL author so I bugged my dear friend Don Burgett. Well after I read his letter and laughed my arse off, I felt much better.


He told me about a writer friend of his and his constant rejections. One day his friend calls him up and says, "Don, I feel like a real writer and author now." I said "Congratulations, you made it." He replied, "No, I just received my first rejection." :lol:


Then he proceeded to tell me about a conversation with an editor. After I read this I told him that if I didn't know him, I would have thought he made it up. It is so absurd, you'll see...


He was discussing the move from Noville (it's in his book) with her, explaining, "...two Shermans at the head of our column were knocked out by German tanks and two of our tank destroyers raced forward from the rear on the right side of our column, the enemy was on the left of our column, to give aid with their hefty 90 mm. guns"


He went on to say she was appalled and with all seriousness and authority replied, "It's against the law in New York to pass on the right."


I told her, "Towns, cities, and countries have been destroyed, millions of people have been killed, murdered and enslaved, and you are worried about a New York law against passing on the right?"


See what writers have to contend with? I told you it was absurd. After reading that I was laughing so hard and took the editing job with a much lighter heart. :pdt34:


He went on to write more and I thanked him for giving me some perspective. He ended his letter to me like this, "Don't feel bad Marion, at least you're published, and it will get worse. Warm regards, Don Burgett"


Okay, see what I have to look forward to? :lol::lol::lol:

Good artical Marion...I picked up my copy at the grocery store, yesterday.

Here's one for all your hard work




Thanks Chris. Ah my adoring fan club. :lol::lol: But seriously, thanks for picking up a copy and sharing your thoughts. It's still hard to believe that my name is there next to Herman Goering's. :lol:

Somewhere up in Heaven tonight there is an Engineer beaming with pride, saying


"That's my liitle girl!" -o-





Awww, you made me cry happy tears. :wub: Thanks.



What magazine is your article in? WWII History or World War II and what month is it in? What is the title? We have a hard time getting good magazines overseas.


I dont know anything about publishing but do know I would be upset too if they chopped my work..


:drinkin: Cheers to you though for having the guts to get your work out there and to keep pressing on!!!


Good luck with the next one too.



You can find it at most major newstands such as Borders, etc. Let me know if you have any problems attaining one.


Here is their site too. They still have the July/August issue listed, not Septembers yet.

Mine finally showed up in the mail yesterday. :pdt34:

Kyle: WWII Magazine/September 2006 issue!

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