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Did you guys see the story about the secret camera in WWII magazine this month?


I read that this afternoon during lunch and I ran straight to the computer to read more about this fellow only to find that he passed away in May of 2005. He didn't live to see his article in the magazine. So sad.


Just another grim reminder that these fellows are fading away.



Yes I did read that (of course only after reading mine first :lol: ), but seriously it was a great story. There is also book for sale:


It's always sad when a vet such as himself, doesn't live to see their story told in the magazine. :(

Yep, Marion. Yours was the first thing I read, too. It's not every day I can say I know a real life writer!!


In regards to the book, I am always finding books I want and placing them on a list. Funny how the list keeps growing, but my cash isn't .... <_<



Brooke: The book list. Oh I have one of those too. Yes, it keeps growing and ever now and then I must have a book. Finally broke down and bought one the other day. I said, dang it, I'm not waiting any longer and indulged myself. It was a bit pricey because it was old, but... :pdt20: