I purchased this book because of Roque's and Marion's recommendations. It is a big thick hardcover book at a fair price of around $20, including shipping.
I just love this guy's sense of humor. He throws these little bits of humor here and there.
"No one ever knew whether the French police no longer needed asistance or whether the Platoon was badly needed back at the garrison to reinforce the Battalion in its efforts to put down insurgent insects in their attempts to regain control of the Fort. " pg 137.
AH, thanks for reminding me of those great lighter moments. 
I purchased this book because of Roque's and Marion's recommendations. It is a big thick hardcover book at a fair price of around $20, including shipping.
I just love this guy's sense of humor. He throws these little bits of humor here and there.
"No one ever knew whether the French police no longer needed asistance or whether the Platoon was badly needed back at the garrison to reinforce the Battalion in its efforts to put down insurgent insects in their attempts to regain control of the Fort. " pg 137.
I am happy you got the book, Maybe you can read some experiences of my
outfit. 135th. ENJOY,I'll talk about you all at the reunion. Ya hear Marion!!!!!!

My ears will be ringing Rocky Racoon. I know they'll be only good words....
Here's another good one... 
"To place more pickles in the pudding, some untrained replacements had never fired a rifle and were without entrenching tools (the infantry man's personal bulldozer) needed to dig foxholes or gun emplacements."
Pickles in the pudding...... yuck!!
This guy must have been quite a character.
I purchased this book because of Roque's and Marion's recommendations. It is a big thick hardcover book at a fair price of around $20, including shipping.
Where did you find the book for 20 bucks?? I looked on Amazon and the cheapest one they offered was $142.00!!!! 
Yep! I almost had a heart attack when I first looked for it. But then Rocky gave me Jerry Gordon's email and I bought it directly from him and it was $23 with shipping. I may still have that email in my inbox. I'll check for it and report back.
Yes, you can get the book directly from Jerry Gorden. Just go to the 34th's website and place an order.
This is his email addy:
Thanks, Marion. I checked my inbox and it's not there anymore.
Here's another good one from page 285.
"The Arabs didn't appear overjoyed to have the Americans for guests, but didn't seem to mind their using the bathhouse. Probably didn't know they had one as most of them didn't appear to have had the recent pleasure of putting water on themselves intentionally."