I have been reading a very interesting book by the late Hal Lister, a sergeant in the 3rd Infantry Div. who is captured by the Germans. You would imagine a dire fate for a Jew in Nazi hands, but he manages to do amazingly well for himself and is ask to do a POW radio broadcast, which is titled "Krautland Calling" after he has convinced his SS captors that "Kraut" is a common phrase among GIs..and not at all disrespectfully! 
I am wondering if any of our ETO Vets here ever heard his broadcasts, especially the "other Jim" who was also in 3rd Infantry Div.?
ps- If anyone would care to read it after I'm done with it I will be happy to loan it out. Same goes for any DVDS I mention here...always happy to share with friends.
Sounds like something I definitely would like to read. I have never heard of this one before. Leave it to you to bring something else unique to the forum. 
Sounds interesting, Jim. I'd like to read it, too. I checked the library's online card catalog just to make sure they didn't have it and they don't.
I stumbled onto it on ebay a while ago under a "WWII Germany-other items" category and bought it used. At this rate I'll be finished with it in a couple days. Be happy to send it to you then. Just PM me with PO Box or mailing address. 
"Krautland Calling" is en route to West-by-God-Virginia by Media Mail. You should have it by next weekend. 
Jim, received the book Friday or Saturday. Don't know which since I was out of town, but it was here waiting on me upon my return. It's been a rainy dreary day here and I have had my nose buried in Krautland Calling nearly all day so far. I took a short break to let you know that I got it and I am perculating me and gramps a pot of coffee on the stove. My rushed mornings never permit me to have a good old fashioned perculated cuppa joe so I have to do it on the weekend.

I can tell that you appreciate the finer things in life...I LOVE fresh-perked coffee, unadulterated with anything, straight Black! MMMMMMMMM!! 
Finished the book up last night. It was a good one. Hal was quite the Romeo, wasn't he?
Very interesting, couldn't put it down. I especially liked the part where he said he single handedly infected an entire platoon of SS w/lice.
Thanks Jim for letting me borrow it:pdt34: , shall I just return it to you or is there someone else on the list?
Finished the book up last night. It was a good one. Hal was quite the Romeo, wasn't he?
Very interesting, couldn't put it down. I especially liked the part where he said he single handedly infected an entire platoon of SS w/lice.
Thanks Jim for letting me borrow it:pdt34: , shall I just return it to you or is there someone else on the list?
Hi Brooke,
So glad you enjoyed the book. After I sent it I almost felt like warning you that some of Hal's 'exploits' read like a cheap Romance novel, but decided to just let you read it and make your own conclusions..
If you know of anybody else that might enjoy the book you may pass it on, or else send it back to me if you wish. (Be sure to use the cheapest rate...Media Mail). Getting back to books, I am now reading one which was written in 1959 called The Battle...the story of the Bulge". Found it hiding on the shelf of an old used book store, and it is written in that "You are there" style that really grips the reader.