Well I've been learning SO much. I guess that is an understatement.
I've recently had to revamp the main site to include the 1108th, which consisted of the 48th and 235th Bns.
I owe much of what I know from Captain Al Kincer of the 48th, whom many of you are already familiar with. After looking over Al's page, etc., I realized that they were indeed part of VI CORPS! Big dummy. Which means that they should have been a part of the site with their own history and photos pages from the beginning. So I am in the midst of making up for my oversight and am adding the pages beginning this week.
As with the 39th Engineers who are featured on the site, the 1108th were part of II Corps and VI Corps. As I said, much to learn and digest!
After the Italian campaign, the 235th was permanently split off from the 48th, when the latter joined VI Corps and the invasion of southern France. In fact, the 48th went into invasion training with my dad's group, the 540th.
So a hearty welcome to the 1108th. Thank you for all your help with the re-creation of your history. I hope I can do it justice.
Had a great time at your reunion and felt so very welcome. Thank you for bringing me into the fold. I am honored to be amongst such esteemed company.