seeking info on Clayton H Thornton KIA north korea was a member of 65th engineer combat bn 25th inf div in north korea 7-28 1951 any info a help!!
thanks scott
For you or anyone else interested, there is a website that lists all the casualties of the 25th Inf Div and their associated units:
THORNTON CLAYTON H Rank=CPL Serial Number=RA17263596 Branch=Corps of Engineers
Military Occupation Specialty=03729 Year of Birth=32 Race=Caucasian
State of Residence=MN County of Residence=Lake
Unit=65th Eng C Bn Division=25th Div Type of Unit=Eng C Bn
Place of Casualty=North Korea Date of Casualty (yymmdd)=51 07 28
Type of Casualty=Killed in Action
Detail of Casualty=
Group of Casualty=Killed in Action
Evacuation Disposition=
Have you tried contacting this gentleman?
65th Engr Bn (25th ID RVN)
Mr. Maurice A Storck, Sr
775 W Roger Rd #214
Tucson AZ 85705-2648
Here's one for the main infantry div:
Mr. Butch Sincock, Exc Dir
PO Box 7
Flourtown PA 19031-0007
URL: http://www.25thida.com/
EMail: TropicLtn@aol.com
215-248-5250 Fax
Thanks for all the links I picked up his posthumous Purple heart in a trade when I recieve it in the mail I will post a pic. of it
Thanks again !!!
You are quite welcome. Glad to help! 
Heres awards of Cpl. Clayton H Thornton service # 17263596
Combat construction specialist
born 1932
from lake minn.
Killed in action July 28,1951 in north korea as a member of 65th engineer combat bn. 25th inf. div.
awarded Purple heart,Korean service medal,UN service Medal,National defence service medal and korean pres. unit citation
Any idea were I can find a 65th engineer bn crest?

heres back showing engraving !