I caught the last 10 minutes of the Omaha Beach one on on our public access channel this evening and MAYBE just MAYBE if our dang TV guide channel was brodcasting the listings instead of American Idol I would have known it was on!! 
Thanks for posting the link!
This looks like another series that's worth owning...the more veteran interviews the better!

Did you see the link and photos of all the veterans he's interviewed?
Gee, I'd love to have a job like that!!
Did you see the link and photos of all the veterans he's interviewed?
Gee, I'd love to have a job like that!!
Me too...where do I apply??? I couldn't resist, and already ordered the special 3-pak with 2 Omahas and 1 Iwo Jima.
I think I mentioned on another thread the "Iwo Jima 36 Days of Hell" set that I recently looked at. For those poor guys there was no rear-area to go to at all, no place to escape the shelling.
Good, I hope they arrive soon!
Got the DVDS today, and so far have viewed the first one... Omaha Beach, part I. This is a very thoughtfullly done tribute, with 95% being only the veterans in front of the camera talking, sharing personal memories of D-Day.
Thanks for telling me about it!
Yeah, that's what I liked about it and at the end it shows them beside their service time photos.
You're most welcome!! I'm glad you like it.
Great site!!!
I will be ordering my set soon. Thanks!!!!!!! I also sent the link to the members of my history group..
That's great, Kyle. I sent him an email thanking him for what he's done and he replied quickly. Nice fellow. I'm sure he appreciates it.