When I first saw the original movie back in the 80's I never did quite warm up to it, perhaps the 'Zag' character played by young Carradine bugged me, I don't know. In looking at it now, especially with the additional 47 minutes it has become a favorite of mine. There is one scene in the reconstructed version that I could have really lived without....the Homosexual Kraut doctor kissing Lee Marvin on the lips......
Not my cup of tea, and I don't really think it added anything to the movie. The scenes between Marvin and the small boy from the KZ lager are among the most powerful of any war drama I've ever seen...so sad.
Dogdaddy, Is this the movie with Lee Marvin? Did they "re-construct it" for DVD release?? Please explain.
It also starred Luke Skywalker.
It was interesting movie but just bit off more than it could chew----historically speaking. The main character was supposed to have served both in WW1 and WW2.
Hi Steve,
Yes, this is the same movie you are thinking of with Marvin and Luke Skywalker. The rebuild was just for DVD...I don't think it was ever re-released for the bigscreen. One thing that soured me on this (like so many others) was seeing our Sherman tanks painted Desert Yellow with black crosses...supposedly to reseamble "Tigers".
Why doesn't somebody like a major film producer at least make an attempt to construct a decent looking reproduction of German tanks? I mean EVERYBODY knows what a Sherman looks like!