I don't know how to say this, but I just found out that Rocky's wife Elizabeth passed away a few hours ago. 

I can't imagine how hard it was for Rocky to tell me, because I am having a hard enough time telling all of you.
I will say that she did pass away in her home while Rocky held her. I promise I will post her obit tomorrow. 

God bless you Rocky in your time of need. I wish I could fly to Kansas City to be there for you buddy. I love ya. I'm so, so sorry... 

Marion; It is with deep sorrow that I haveto tell you that I lost Elizabeth Monday at 7:40pm. She was released from the hospital at 2:30 pm, Hospice brought a bed to our home at 3pm, Elizabeth was brought at 3;30pm and the nurse came a few minutes after. She was breathing very slow but at about 7:35 I saw her and noticed her breathing was almost gone so I reached down and put my arm under her head and held her and she took her last breath while I was holding her. It is with great hurt that I write this, but please let our people know. Her Obit. will be out tomorrow. If you log on to THE KANSASCITYSTAR.COM, click obits. It should be there. Thank you so much for your prayers and support. Roque
Rocky, you are in my prayers. Having been though this myself I know there are no words right now to ease your sorrow, but may God comfort you and your family now in your time of need....
Rocky I am so very sorry to hear this. Please know that I will be thinking of and praying for you and your family.
Dear Rocky
I am so very sorry to hear about your wife. My thoughts and prayers are added along with the rest of the VI Corps family.
Dear Rocky
my husband and I are wholeheartedly with you .
The misfortune which to distress your family, profoundly to touch us and we to join completely to your sorrow .
In these sad circumstances, all our thoughts accompany you.
so sorry from my english
Sorry to hear about your wife.
There are no words
There are no words at a time
such as this that are
“right†or really “comforting†or
that can make it better for you.
I will not tell you that time
Will make it all better. It will not !
How-ever the passing of time
Will make it easier to accept
And cope with.
God knows best in all things
No matter the hurt or not under-standing.
papa Art
I join the others in saying I am truly sorry for your loss. I will pray that the loving God we serve will comfort you and yours.
Please accept my deepest sympathies in your loss. No words are adequate at this time but please know that we will be thinking and praying for both of you.
This might be inappropriate but that is my biggest fear at this very moment and I am horrified that I will have to face the same situation.
Vaya con Dios Elizabeth!
Rocky; I don't have the right words to express my sympathies. This poem helped me through my difficult times , so I pass it on to you. You are in our prayers.