Just picked up a Signal Corp U.S. Army teletypewriter model TT-7/FG
Built by the Teletype Corporation. Came with table. The plan is to restore the unit and I came across a website where I can set it up to hook it up to my computer. Check our new item out at:
MEC's online Museum
If you have any info on the Model 19, I would love your info/help!!

I came across a website where I can set it up to hook it up to my computer.
I'd like to see that.
Back in the old days before the PC, I worked with a bunch of nerds that were trying to build their own computer. One guy had purchased an Army surplus teletypewriter that he used as his interface device. His memory was a simple portable audio tape deck. He built his own computer circuit board and chips. He was programing simple BASIC programs. The year was about 1974- 1975.
That is WAY COOL! Can't wait to see it up and running. You rock!
Well since I'm not much on electronics, this could be a really long project
Originally there was a poer pack mounted on the back side of the table. Well it's not there, but the unit has had some wiring redone. So I'll have to check intothat. Once I get that figured out, I'll proceed onto the PC hook up. Wish I could have it all done by next May for our Memorial Day display. That would be so neat to see that thing spitting out teletype reports on troop movements and such. That would make such a neat display for people to see!!!!
Guess I'll have to get my butt in gear to get it all done by then.