Bill sent these to me. Will be posting more later.
Please note: If you are easily offended by swear words, I urge you not to read these. The general never minced words and and this is Patton in all his glory. These have not been altered in any way. You have been forewarned!

Here's his letter first:



I guess some people mind find him and his language offensive, but he says it as it is. I like that. And this is not an address to a grade school auditorium, but to the "guys". 
I should probably put a warning on the thread, "May be dangerous to your ears and sensibilities!" 

It was a WOW of admiration Marion, what a general he was!

Oh I didn't think you were offended, but some people would be. Patton without his language wouldn't be, well Patton! 

I would be surprised if, after all these years, there would be anyone left who is surprised by Patton's "salty" language. - Marilyn
He was a one of last REAL Generals !