I sent the following to this gentleman after I added his link this month, and sure enough I got this email this morning. For anyone who thinks THEY ARE OLD at 40, 50, 60... think again and thank God for your blessings. This man puts many a 30 year old to shame with his exuberance for life.
God bless you sir and keep you and thank you for writing.
Here's his website and here are our letters to each other.
A good friend of mine, James Hennessey of the 87th Infantry Division, sent me the link for your site, and I placed it on my site back in April of
2006. You can find your link on here:
http://www.6thcorpscombatengineers.com/lin...uteVeterans.htm - Look under the heading - Personal Tributes/Veterans Links
I have just started going through your site and am so glad that you took the time to share all your very painful memories with us. People should know what happened there and they should never, never forget.
God bless you,
Marion J Chard Proud daughter of Walter (Monday) Poniedzialek
540th Combat Engineer WWII
Dear Marion,
So glad you saw my website. Also, glad you wrote. I am very busy with
speaking engagements, volunteering at the VA Medical Center and the like.
Can you send me your regular mailing address so I can send Christmas
cards? I was recently honored by the 171st Air Refueling Wing at the
Pittsburgh Airport, received the Bronze Medallion of the Chapel of the
Four Chaplains Award in Johnstown, PA, I spoke at several middle, High
Schools and universites as well as, Soldiers and Sailors Hall/Museum in
Pittsburgh,PA. I have over 18 years of volunteering time at the Butler VA
Medical Center helping our veterans. Not bad for 93, huh?
Thank you again for writing, I will write you more later, it's late and I
have work in the morning.
Best wishes,
Abie Abraham and Chris