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When I'm sick I tend to watch my faves and today is/was no different. Taking a five minute break from Band of the Brothers. We have it on DVD. I am sitting here once again mesmorized. I don't know how many times I've seen it now. Lost track I guess. Will probably watch it a hundred times more.


So sobering. While I am sitting here feeling nasty with a sore throat and occasional chill, I look at the guys who fought in the Battle of the Bulge and think how damned lucky I am. Puts it into perspective doesn't it.


Well back to part 7 and 8. The Breaking Point and The Last Patrol. :unsure:

Kinda looks like Bastogne around here too.....except there's no Krauts and the tree's ain't explodin' .... ;)




DD :woof:


ps- Sorry you're not feeling well :( Try some Vick's Theraflu in a cup of hot water......or a couple hot buttered rums.

Don't have any Theraflu, but ya gotta remember - I sell liquor in my store and it's attached to my house! :lol::lol: Look at that, she's still laughing. I'm trying...



Sorry you are under the weather. Here in N.E. Texas we are bracing for ice. I will gladly trade you the ice for snow.


My favorite remedy is 2 shots of Jack Daniels 1 fresh lemon W/some pulp and a couple of tablespoons fresh honey. More J.D. and less lemmon for your second dose--honey is optional at this point.


I do hope you are better soon. Band of Brothers is my only request for Christmas.


As Always,



Glad to see that I have so many great doctors in the house! :lol::lol: Sounds like we have a good health care program right here on our forum.


I think your advice will be headed today. I believe I remember that remedy growing up. :pdt34:B)


Oh btw, I bought Band of Brothers for my son-in-law for Christmas!

Its 70 degrees here and I had breakfast with Babe Heffron this morning. he said it was nice not to have snow!

Glad to hear that Babe is still up and at 'em. Bless him.


I still love the part in Band Of Brothers when Doc finally calls him Babe. What an endearing scene. Hey you called me Babe. BABE! :lol::wub:


Well our 50 and 60 degree weather ends tonight. Just turned on the TV and we were flashed, "Winter Storm Warning". Uh-Oh! :wave: Goodbye sunshine....


Please send my love to him even though I have never met him. It's from the :heartpump: of a vet's daughter.

Same here Marion, I've enjoyed the warm temperatures here too. It's supposed to be cold and raining today and cold and cloudy this weekend.



We are in the middle of a storm.. oooo-weeeee!

Babe says "Thanks". He still yells at people when they call him "Mr Heffron"!!!

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