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I was looking over some morning reports I obtained from NARA concerning my grandpa and the 417th Inf Reg, and I noticed that it states that he was transferred from the 53rd Replacement Battalion to the 417th Inf Regiment. On another morning report, he was transferred from the 417th to the 54th Rplacement Battalion.

With this info in mind, I figured I could continue filling in the blanks concerning his record.

Did the Replacement Battalions use morning reports like the regiments did?

If so, I think I can find out what unit he went to from the 54th Repl. Batt.

Onaway, I believe you are looking at a a replacement Infantryman. Most replacements

were assigned when leaving for overseas a "paper address for a paper outfit" and the same thing on arrival in ETO. More "paper outfits" only for a mailing address that seldom worked out for incomming mail. Yes, I went through the same damn thing.

Very quickly we were assigned as replacements for Infanry companies in a division and

then had a proper mailing address and "belonged to them". Looks like the same thing

you speak of..

Onaway, I believe you are looking at a a replacement Infantryman. Most replacements

were assigned when leaving for overseas a "paper address for a paper outfit" and the same thing on arrival in ETO. More "paper outfits" only for a mailing address that seldom worked out for incomming mail. Yes, I went through the same damn thing.

Very quickly we were assigned as replacements for Infanry companies in a division and

then had a proper mailing address and "belonged to them". Looks like the same thing

you speak of..


Thanks, guys.

I am hoping that there was some sort of paper trail linking things together. I'll find out soon enough I guess; I mailed my form in to NARA yesterday.

When I requested my last morning reports I got an answer pretty quick.