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Very exciting! I am a collector of self published books by veterans. My focus is mainly Europe (ETO) but also have some on the MTO and PTO.


A selection of my collection can be found here


If anyone has some pointers where I could get other, PLEASE let me know!!! It is very much appreciated.



Hey Stevin,


Herbert Schemmerling self publishes his book "Born on a Sunday", he served in both German and American armies. It's around $22 or $23.


I have his email address, if you're interested.




I bump this one because I just learned that Don Burgett finished his new book. 541 pages!!!

Still nothing is mentioned about the book,"Dogfaces Who Smiled Through Tears"

written by Homer Ankrum of the 168th Inf. Regt. 34th Red Bull Divn. rocky

The Young Liberators - by Kenneth C. Thayer with Allan D. Foote - Price $14.95


This is the documented record of a solitary combat soldier. It is the factual saga of a United States infantry company of 200 GI's, a regiment of four thousand, one division of fifteen thousand. Brave men: forgotten to many except their families and comrades. This book is an archival reconstruction of discarded units of organization deactivated from military service fifty-six years ago.


Between June 1944 and May 1945, the men of the United States 301"' Infantry Division participated in every major western European campaign, from Normandy to the Elbe River, earning them the, sobriquet, "Workhorse of the Western Front". The official United States Army Historian for the Western Front, S. L. A. Marshall, would proclaim the 30th as "The finest infantry division in the European Theater of Operations."


Except for a period of convalescence, PFC Kenneth C. Thayer was with them almost every step of the way. This is the beginning of his story: Volume One: From Civilian to Soldier. It is a privilege to share it with you.

frank, the book I am talking about. The Author was a Sgt. and his book

starts from 1941 t0 1945 and his discription involves all three,(3) Regts.

and with over six hundred,(600), days of combat,Nov.'42--Nov.'45,and

yes I was there. Maybe M-1 can put the copy of my card I sent her. Rocky

Rocky, the 34th's book is already mentioned in our BOOK SECTION. This post is covering other books which have never been mentioned on our site before. We are trying to give everyone exposure.



Rocky, the 34th's book is already mentioned in our BOOK SECTION. This post is covering other books which have never been mentioned on our site before. We are trying to give everyone exposure.




YES MAAM MY DEAR M-1. I never thought of it that way.

AS always you set us straight and I love it. hugs rocky

Pages: 1 2