Here's one that caught my attention this morning-,2933,236014,00.html
This is an insult to the entire human race. It' hard to decide which is worse...our insane extremist enemies or our insane fellow americans.
The great 86 year old lady that runs the Wyoming Veterans Museum in Casper told me several years ago that she was giving some middle schoolstudents a tour of the museum when one of the boys said " that hollocaust stuff never happened." She grabbed him by the collar and threw him out telling him to never come back . Mrs. Kating was the original head secretary for the Army Air Corps base . 

Good thing I wasn't there to kick his little ass. Sounds like some crap coming from his parents. God help us all! Good for Mrs Kating!!!
Jesus, I just read the article. I think I am going to be ill... 

Well Marion, you made it farther than I did, I only read to the third paragraph and I have had enough of that bull. Notice how all these scum bags that deny the Holocaust are people that didn't even live in that generation?
How can you deny something that has been documented so extensively through photos and eyewitness testimony?
If these scumbags would put this much energy into something positive, just think of the possibilities.
Oh, I know Brooke, I know. You hate to say it, but they should have released some gas in that room and let it take it's course. Of course we could deny that it ever happened... 

Sorry, but I was so appalled when I heard the Iraq Study Group recommended that we negotiate with this bunch. They are truly the modern day equivilent of the Nazis.
It really bothers me that so many in this country do not take these people seriously.I was quite young and will never forget when my father told me about the German people denying the Death Camps and how it was obvious since you could smell it from 50 miles away.
I do believe in divine intervention, and this must be it. Please see my post in the TV/movies section dated 12-15-06 on the 60 Minutes Holocaust show which is airing 12-17-06!
BTW, ya they are jerks and fools and listen, they only numbered between 50-75 people. They have no strength in numbers.