Just received this today from Colonel Mike Morgan. This is an excerpt from his letter. Talk about making one's day! 
First, I hope you and your family (and extended WWII vet family) have a wonderful Christmas and Happy New Year. Second, I received some feedback form a 92 year old, WWII Engineer Veteran who is a subscriber to the magazine and read your article. He said:
"Enjoyed very much Marion Chard's Nov-Dec article, particularly since I commanded the Engineer Combat Battalion which was attached to Bill Darby's Ranger Force for it's third assault at Gela. You may be aware that she (Marion) has set up an excellent internet site for all WWII 6 Corps engineer units. At 92 I haven't done much writing since I retired in 1964, but I had been fairly active until then, including a volume in the official 'U.S. Army in WWII'. I wonder if you (Army Engineer Magazine) would be interested in republishing any of the articles listed in the attachment. They last saw the light of day one or two generations ago. If so, I can fax or mail them to you."
Feedback such as this makes my job most rewarding. Here's a guy 92 years of age, who is still participating in military affairs, and seeking to keep history and traditions alive as best he can..."
Danka friend. It sure made my day!
Below is an excerpt from a letter I received from Col Mike of Army Engineer Magazine. It refers to Stanley Dziuban, 39th
Thanks, Marion:
The next issue (Mar-Apr) will feature an article written by Stanley; his "fight" as a part of Darby's Rangers at Gela. It's amazing to me how many people I continue to meet in the process of doing the magazine...and to see so many veterans still involved in things dealing with Army "engineering"...
We are still awaiting on the March-April issue, so we can read Stan's article. I look forward to that.
I heard from Col Mike, and he informed me that they'd like to use the majority of my book intro for their May-June issue. Of course I said yes. What an honor. Seems they are putting together an article regarding reunions, etc., and it will also feature my friend Mari's (another daughter of a combat engineer) input and active role in all this, plus much more. I also submitted some photos from the reunions I attended too.
Thanks in advance Mike for including me. 
We are all happy to see you get the recognition you deserve
When you have become a rich & famous author I hope you will still have time for us "little people" 
3 Cheers!
Received this letter from the Colonel Mike Morgan yesterday. What an honor! Here's an excerpt...
Hi there...
I'm coming with "hat in hand" wondering if you'd agree to do another story for the magazine (May-June issue). It would be a follow-up on the earlier article you contributed to, and focus on the documentary you are now doing, to include things that have gone well, and not so well in that regard. I truly wonder at the energy you are putting into all of this, and again feel compelled to tell others about it. Your efforts are so far beyond what is typical, that others can learn from your experiences. I know this is asking for something that might take away from your other "chores" but wanted to ask anyway. Let me know what you think.
My best to you as always, Mike.
Colonel John Michael Morgan, USA (Retired)
Editor, Army Engineer Magazine
148 Romana Drive
Ridgeway, VA 24148
I wrote back, said I would love to do so and thanked him for giving me this wonderful opportunity.