Short on time but this I had to post. Knew it was going to happen anyday!!


Hey Sarge, how's the wife doing? I should also ask how you are doing as well. We thank you for stopping by even though it may be just for a minute of two. God bless both of you.

On a scale of 1 to 10 she's about a 3 at best
Sgtleo : ALIENS are from another planet, Those two signs, I have great faith in MY COUNTRY. U.S. of A. Roque
Sgtleo : ALIENS are from another planet, Those two signs, I have great faith in MY COUNTRY. U.S. of A. Roque
If that posting somehow offended you I don't understand since it was meant
only as a joke!!
I appreciate that too have had problems but I also have problems that could
very well wind up the same way so I take my fun where and when I can find it!