Hello everyone, Here`s the memorial webpage i made for my Dad,
Stanley E. Duzal who served with the 706th Military Police Escort Guard,
IV Corps 5th and 7th Army during WWll.
Visit My Website
The page contains the only photo of dad in uniform i have, it was taken around
christmas 1942 before he went over seas. There are also photos of some
documents and memoribilia he had as well as telling of his movements from
induction till discharge as best as i know it at this time.
Sorry kiddo, but the link isn't working. Can you re-post please? Thanks!
Sorry kiddo, but the link isn't working. Can you re-post please? Thanks!
I`ll try, i havent quite figured out how to do this right 
Visit My Website
Hello Larry, and welcome...I don't think we've chatted here before. Look forward to seing that website when you get it out smarted!
Funny I clicked on it from Al Kincer's email and it came up right away, but for some reason I could not reach it from the above post Hmmmm...
Things that make you go hmmm. 
"Things that make you go hmmm"........ aol is #1 on the list
You can try copying & pasting this address into your own
web browser address bar:
i`m working on putting the page on a different server when
i have the time 
Funny had to copy and past the link in the web browser to work. Weird...
Anyway, great site Larry!

"Things that make you go hmmm"........ aol is #1 on the list
You can try copying & pasting this address into your own
web browser address bar:
i`m working on putting the page on a different server when
i have the time 
AOL, don't even get me started! I didn't even like it when it first came out!
I've had a computer consultant/web design company for almost 20 years, and anytime I had to deal with a client that had an AOL address, oh boy! It got so bad that I told my clients they COULD NOT have mail from our servers forwarded to an AOL account, period. Well I won't get into all the rest right here, but you know it for yourself. Our saying was to Hell with AOL!
Yes, copying and pasting works fine, but direct linking is another story from here. 
Go Daddy has GREAT prices for web hosting! Give them a look over if you haven't yet. Very reasonable. I now use them for most of my client servers, including both of my 6th Corps sites.
Go Daddy has GREAT prices for web hosting! Give them a look over if you haven't yet. Very reasonable. I now use them for most of my client servers, including both of my 6th Corps sites. [/size]
Thanks for that info Marion, I have been looking for a palce to host my site.
I'll check them out.