Received this from Max today. This is in regards to their next SCOOP, the 1108th Engineer's Newsletter. I was also featured in their last issue to. Thank you Max and "boys" for the honored inclusion.
Dear Marion,
I plan to make your article the main feature in the August, 2007 "Scoop From Group".
I have some material of yours on hand but I would like you to prepare your input as a new, coordinated combination of (1) your request for 1108th members to submit material suitable for your upcoming book and web site (2) your explanation of your web site, perhaps including graphics of some of its pages. Make the total article anyway you would like. I place no limit on the pages it would require in the issue.
I request you submit the results to me by the first week in July, 2007. I plan to mail the issue about August 1, 2007.
Please advise ASAP if you will be able and willing to do this.
Max Jonah