Just finished viewing this one. The title made me think it had great potential but I found it rather dull, really. There was very little discussion of the battle on either side, and it seemed like the two groups of men struggled to find anything to say to each other. Glad I was able to just rent this one....
. I wasn't very much fun to watch but I am always glad to see WWII Veterans find some closure by visiting the places where they served. 
Man, I hate it when that happens. I often wonder if it was better behind the scenes and the final production suffered from poor editing... I can only hope.
I would highly recommend another film I mentioned recently: "Embedded '45...Shooting War In Germany." I rented this one and was so impressed that I bought a used copy for my own DVD collection. It has alot of good footage of our guys during the final months of the war in Germany.

Talking about reunions. I am leaving Tuesday 5am May 2, for the reunion of the
"ANZIO BEACHHEAD VETERANS ASSOC." I will be gone til Monday 7th. This will be at
Branson, Mo. Don't expect very many there. Soon there won't be none. This is just
info. for anyone interested. Roque Riojas the OLD dogface. My C.I.B will be worn with
Have a grand time Rocky. I'm sure the 34th'ers will be proud to have your there to represent them. Drive safe and take care. M
Have a grand time Rocky. I'm sure the 34th'ers will be proud to have your there to represent them. Drive safe and take care. M
Just got back from the reunion. Had a very nice time. Met two from the 34th
and also met ELLEN ANKRUM, She promised me that she would e-mail you. Sure hope she does. Only about 75 vets and some of us didn 't have their wives there. Some I gave your
e-mail add. to. Hope they write. I did fairly well, especially when I told them that I was the current president of the 34th Divn. Assoc. Hotdamn their eyebrows lifted up. I KNOW WHY BUT I WON.T MENTION WHY BUT YOU CAN GUESS. Rocky