Well today I spent the day around World War II canvas. What a smell!! We are getting ready for our yearly military history display and my buddy picked up a small wall tent (1942) and a large wall tent (1944) - The Large wall tent was for free w/poles
Though it has a few rips and holes in it. No big deal. So today we pulled them out and took a look at them. The large wall we hand to put all new guide lines on it and fix the ridge pole as someone cut it in half
So we got it all fixed up and decided we needed to put it up. What a job that was!! That tent is about 14' by 15' and 12' tall!!! What a task. Got it up and then just lounged under it. It was great!!!
Wish I had my camera with me, I would have taken a pic of it.
Just thought I would share. It sure was a blast and was great to be doing something I enjoy instead of being stuck at work.