This is the first instalment of 'Marions Boy's' Photos.
Marion's note: I have created a PDF file from Moose's file, so everyone will be able to open it too. Some folks might not have Word, so here ya go!
Yeah! Those are wonderful. Now I know what "My Boys" look like. :pdt40:
I am going to convert your Word Doc to a PDF, so everyone can view it too. Some people might not have Word, so they wouldn't be able to open the document. Ain't technology just grand?
Just got to say I'm not an MP all the time, LOL.
Moose you could have used a more flattering photo!!
Most of these were taken at the Museum of Army Flying at Middle Wallop, a great museum which exhibits the Waco troop glider and amonst other things a flying jeep. A fine monument to army flying, people forget thet its not just the RAF who whizz about upstairs.
We used this day to recruit and to spread the word about the group, about two hundred people came along, there was a military flea market as well. Lots of interest and a couple of army flyers from the war, an honour indeed.
Glad to see that you guys could draw a couple hundred people to the event. More power to you.
My husband and I are attending an event in Michigan next month that will feature reenactments, a USO show, vehicles, etc. Can't wait. There will be many vets there including Don Burgett. I haven't see Don for over a year, so I am really looking forward to seeing him once again.
You guys are the best. Thanks again for joining and bringing the whole gang to our site. It's so nice having all of you here.