I was scroungin around at mom`s house today and hit the jackpot! I got this picture of Dad in Italy 1944, but unknown location. he was with 706MPEG at this time. I also found some pictures of his 2 brothers who also served in the MTO/ETO, and a lot of pictures of other soldiers/sailors from the Danbury, CT. area during WWII most identified some not. 

Well hot damn! I am jumping for joy too, because I know how you feel at this moment Larry! :blob3: I've been there a few times myself, and you can't help to think that someone is watching over ya saying, "atta boy"! So glad that you shared that with us. What a treasure!
This is dad`s brother, Frank Duzal, who served in North Africa & Italy from 23, May 1943 till 5, Nov 1945. I dont know what unit he was with. His separation paper just lists Duty NCO 566, (Cpl) Naples Foggia, Rome Arno, Northern Appenines.
I think the photo was taken was taken at Camp Devens, Mass. Frank is on the right standing sideways.
This is dad`s oldest brother John Duzal who served in the Pacific with the 77th Inf Div. Family notes said he was in Heavy artillary but dont know the unit. pic on the right was taken in Danbury, CT. easter 1944
Another pic of dad, taken at either Camp Devons or Camp Niantic