07-30-2007, 03:05 PM
07-30-2007, 03:05 PM
07-30-2007, 07:41 PM
Great picture Moose! Reminds me of the boarding scene from "Band of Brothers." You guys must have a great time with this.... even with all the work that I'm sure goes into putting it together.
07-31-2007, 07:56 AM
Moose you naughty boy, no 800 X 600? It's potato peeling time...
It IS a great photo. Love the look on Babe's face.
08-01-2007, 05:25 PM
It was a great weekend and very moving i got in full jump kit and sat down and wondered who sat in the seat i was in on the 6th june 1944 i may never now but i hope we did them proud and continue to do so big thanks to moose and granny from me for puting so much hard work in to this weekend and all weekends see you soon bud