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Great idea!!


All those handsome faces... :wub:


Thanks fellas!!




A great idea I want you to know.That in my

poll of outstanding women in American history

You have just moved up past Betsy Ross in

my poll. As a vet--Thank You ever so grateful

Jim Hennessey-87th


Could the following vet members please post a photo of themselves here? Please also post your name with your unit designation. Thanks men!


Sgt Leo


Joe Fournier

Sgt Leo:- Reporting as ordered Mon Vieux:-


315/79th Id->{MP Bn->(3rd Army Hq)->Intel Co.} and (17th AB TDY.->GIR)

Grunt - Interpreter/Interrogator - Did what I was ordered to do.




Germany after WW II (note luxurious accomodations)

Tres bien Sarge. I really appreciate that. It's nice having all our vet members all in one spot. What a great bunch. :drinkin:

Guess I better check in as requested. PFC Joseph A. Fournier 7th Inf Reg. 3rd Inf Div. Just a plain Garden Variety Infantry Rifleman. One of many. I am on the left. Somewhere in Germany.



Fantastic. Thanks for your prompt attention Private First Class Fournier! :drinkin: Love the photo!

Fantastic. Thanks for your prompt attention Private First Class Fournier! :drinkin: Love the photo!


Marion:- Remember you asked for more!!


Here's 3 very tired,very old,very war weary 19 year old kids after 3 months combat

(Me on right. Would give much if the other two were here to see the photo BUT.....)




P.S. Tell Pfc. Fournier to "Blouse his pants in the boots".

What is he a Zoot-Suiter with the cuff on his pants??



Guess I better check in as requested. PFC Joseph A. Fournier 7th Inf Reg. 3rd Inf Div. Just a plain Garden Variety Infantry Rifleman. One of many. I am on the left. Somewhere in Germany.




Hey Joe, kinda looks like Italy also. That a tommy gun you got? Scout huh !!

Makes no never mind what Sgtleo says about your pants. Lotsa mud huh. Roque

Hey Joe, kinda looks like Italy also. That a tommy gun you got? Scout huh !!

Makes no never mind what Sgtleo says about your pants. Lotsa mud huh. Roque




I was yanking Joe's chain but seriously we found that if you "Bloused your Pants"

it kept a lot of the mud out. If it was less than 4 inches deep it wasn't too bad.


God!! how I hated the feel of mud in my boots when I had to Double Time or for

that matter even walk - Yuck.


Sgtleo :rolleyes::rolleyes:

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