I was yanking Joe's chain but seriously we found that if you "Bloused your Pants"
it kept a lot of the mud out. If it was less than 4 inches deep it wasn't too bad.
God!! how I hated the feel of mud in my boots when I had to Double Time or for
that matter even walk - Yuck.

Yeah Sgtleo I KNEW you were kidding, cause we talk the same language. And you are right about your pants leg stuck inside your boot. Where I wuz the mud was more than 6 in.
deep. Hell the tanks got stuck in it. You should see the pic. of me when I came around a
haystack. We had just come off the line and man I had to go. Get Joe again on his
pants legs. Pull rank. Roque
O.K., give me 40 lashes. Same damn shirt and pants I wore for over 4 weeks. Quartemaster finally showed up with some clean clothes much later. At least I could scratch at the "mechanized dandruff " we all had by then with out
a problem. Only thing that would pass inspection was my weapon. I know you two are just pulling my chain and dont mind it as it is in the least. If we cant poke fun at each other we belong behind the lines. But, if someone
from behind the lines poke fun at us, God help them.. There is a certain "comrady in combat troops" that is unexplainable to others..
O.K., give me 40 lashes. Same damn shirt and pants I wore for over 4 weeks. Quartemaster finally showed up with some clean clothes much later. At least I could scratch at the "mechanized dandruff " we all had by then with out
a problem. Only thing that would pass inspection was my weapon. I know you two are just pulling my chain and dont mind it as it is in the least. If we cant poke fun at each other we belong behind the lines. But, if someone
from behind the lines poke fun at us, God help them.. There is a certain "comrady in combat troops" that is unexplainable to others..
*************JOE ! AMEN TO YOUR REPLY*************
If SGTLEO-j3rdinf--rriojas22-- would have been together in ww11, Damn,damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*************JOE ! AMEN TO YOUR REPLY*************
If SGTLEO-j3rdinf--rriojas22-- would have been together in ww11, Damn,damn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Earlier today when I was yanking Joe's chain, so help me, I wondered
just what would have happened if we were all three in the same unit.
The only thing I could come up with is that we would have had more medals
than Audie Murphy or we would have been in the stockade - not sure which.
God help the Krauts if they faced us!!!!

This is one of the best threads ever. Thanks guys.
Lots of love from WV.
Earlier today when I was yanking Joe's chain, so help me, I wondered
just what would have happened if we were all three in the same unit.
The only thing I could come up with is that we would have had more medals
than Audie Murphy or we would have been in the stockade - not sure which.
God help the Krauts if they faced us!!!!

Arden (Mepaw), can we get a photo of you for our site? If you are unable to upload a photo, can you get a copy to me? I'll be happy to upload it for you.
If there are any other WWII vets out there, make sure you post a photo of yourself, and as above, if you are unable, get one to me and I will happily do it for you. 
I sure notice one thing common in the 3 of us. Not a ounce of fat back then. C and K rations are great for keeping ones weight down plus a bit of exercise.. And O.K. guys on to pulling your chains. Where in hell are your steel pots ? Forget where you put your weapons? Roque, get your hands out of your pockets. This wouldnt look good on the Parade Ground that way . You also are wearing a dirty and unpressed uniform. But I bet your weapon was clean .
Joe, no place to plug an iron in the fox hole, just came off the line and you are right about
the pot. Gimme a break Joe, I just wanted a rest from it. Just went around haystack to pee.
Not wearing combat boots, those were--- mud pacs---. Sgtleo,my pants legs bloused. Just
too damn much MUD!!!!!! ROQUE Joe you got that right, weapon clean so was the ammo.