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Roger That - Joe -Over and Out


Sgtleo :drinkin::drinkin:



*************ROGER, WILCO, OUT**************


At least we raised some eye brows !! 3 very proud dogfaces !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






Actually gotcha guys just where I wanted you. My only regret? That not any other vets joined in. It's not too late boys... :drinkin::pdt34:


Let's see more photos and your recollections about said photos. This IS your forum. I am just the host! :wub:

Maybe the others think it is time to cease this bit.


Joe, the banter between you, Sgt Leo & Rocky is absolutely priceless. I thoroughly enjoy reading every word you guys write. Unliked rehearsed, edited for tv vet interviews your stories behind the pictures and memories of the moment gives us a great perspective on the everyday life of the men who fought in the MTO/ETO that only comes from the "Proud Dogfaces" themselves.

Thank You for sharing and please keep it going.


Joe, the banter between you, Sgt Leo & Rocky is absolutely priceless. I thoroughly enjoy reading every word you guys write. Unliked rehearsed, edited for tv vet interviews your stories behind the pictures and memories of the moment gives us a great perspective on the everyday life of the men who fought in the MTO/ETO that only comes from the "Proud Dogfaces" themselves.

Thank You for sharing and please keep it going.


Anybody from Kalamazoo ?


Sure brings back memories. We had a tech cpl. had a guitar and when we pulled back off the line he would sit in front of the puptent and sing all them songs, damn I'mgonnacry. Sgtleo,

Joe, Remember???????? Roque

Larry: Glad you enjoyed it as much as we did. The 3 of us have never met in our life but our short military years of wartime service were pretty similar so to speak. To me (and probally Roque and the Sarge) my service was divided

into 3 parts mainly. Basic training, serving as a Infantry rifleman in WW2, and waiting to get back home AND OUT.

Each part had interesing happenings an both good and bad memories. Sure, we gripped and bitched, sometime had

a humour some dont understand. But when a dogface stopped gripping and bitching there was a big problem. I think Bill Mauldins WW 2 cartoon drawings show this quite well also. The "trade" we were taught was simple. Take

and hold ground, to put it nicely.

ROGER,ROGER,ROGER, ON ALL THREE JOE!!!!!!! No we don't know each other personaly,

and that might be a good thing. Imagine what it would have been like if we would have

been together in combat. we would have had SOUR KRAUT FOR BREAKFAST,LUNCH, AND

SUPPER, damn what a hellofa thought. Roque

206thMP echos SonofanMP! Keep it going!

In today's vernacular: "You guys ROCK!" :armata_PDT_37:

Only wish we could all be with you having :drinkin::drinkin:


Larry's right, we're enjoying every word!! :wub:

Ya, I agree. Wish we all lived closer and could go down to the local pub and sit and shoot the breeze and have a few :drinkin: together. That would make my day and my year.


Yes, keep the banter going. Because if it stops, then we are all in big trouble. As they say, make hay while the sun shines! B)B)


This photo ain't of any of you guys, but it's one of my faves. :pdt34:


This was taken in Italy, the 1108th Engineers. I have it as my desktop photo on my office computer, so I get to see it everyday. The guys on our left are having a good time, and they are laughing and grinning. God I wish I knew what they were sharing. It's a priceless photo.




Scond guy on left said "Whatta you mean - that wasn't me"(LOL)


Sgtleo :drinkin:

Hey Sarge he didn't say that. There wasan Italian gal walking by just passing the

guy who took the picture. All are grinning cause he was telling the other guy-------


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