Larry, I bet you're absolutely right!!
That would explain such a big ceremony at 6 corps HQ.
mary ann
The town of Arches is on the Moselle river, this map shows the 179th regiment of the 45th ID passed thru there around 20 Sept 44.

I am sorry, I can't see the photo........... but what is sure, it is Arches is in the Vosges mountains, where I live. And at Arches, you have the river named " La Moselle". Last sunday, we were with 2 americans friends at a commemoration of the crossing moselle River, at Noirgueux, neat Remirement and Arches. The father of my friend was in the 36th - 143rd company G.
If you can send me this pic, I could maybe find the exact place where this pics was taken, and I will send you it.
I wish you all, a good day,
Hi Gerome, here's the photo of my Dad in Arches
Mary Ann
Thank you so much Gerome. Haven't talked in a while and it's always so good to hear from you. Hope all is well. We look forward to a photo if it is possible. I know Mary Ann and I will be very grateful to you.
Big smiles,
Hi my friends,
Thanks a lot for your help for the pics, I will try to find the exact place where was taken this photo. We are lucky, because we can see the church behind the moselle river. I will send you photo of what I will find.
To all, I wish you a great week end, from the vosges mountains, and again thanks a lot to all veterans of what they done for us, for our freedom.
Bonjour Gerome! Merci mon ami!
a bientot!
Francis' proud daughter Mary Ann
Bonjour Gerome! Merci mon ami!
a bientot!
Francis' proud daughter Mary Ann
Mary Ann,
Felicitations pour ton français ! A bientot,