Je comprend bien, mais je parle seulement un petit peu.
Can you believe that at one time, I was almost fluent en francais?
In my oral college boards, I got 700 in french. Sadly, it's
all gone now because I haven't used it in so many years.
C'est dommage, n'est ce pas? La langue francais est la plus belle
dans tout le monde!
When I was in my 20s, I decided to take a German language course
( I have NO clue why) and after a few weeks, the teacher asked me:
"Are your parents from Bavaria?" HUH?? I told her my parents
were American and all 4 grandparents were from Ireland.
According to her, I had a "perfect Bavarian accent".
What was SHE ?
M1, I don't know how "frais" I am, but you'd be right on target if
you'd said: "M2, vous etes fou!"
BEUVERIE Biere, mon cher ami M1! PLUSIEURS biere!
Si, très bon français ! Mary Ann, I have just sent you some pics on your e-mail address, from the bridge and the moselle river, where your brave father was. I wasn't
..... sorry.........
.. I wasn't at the exact place where your father was, but you will see the church. This village is Archettes, and it touchs the town of Arches. If you want, the moselle river is the border between Arches and Archettes. I let you insert these pics on this wonderful forum.
A bientot,
Oh-oh Gerome! I haven't seen the pictures.
Something must've happened when you sent them.
Maybe Marion can help.
Mary Ann
How KIND it was of you to take these photos for me!!!!
My father would've been so pleased to see how beautiful it is there now - 63 years later
and I am thrilled to see the exact spot where he was!
votre ami,
Mary Ann
it was of you to take these photos for me!!!!
My father would've been so pleased to see how beautiful it is there now - 63 years later
and I am thrilled to see the exact spot where he was!
votre ami,
Mary Ann
Hello !
Oh thanks a lot, you are very pleasant.
You know, here in France, we don't want to forget the sacrifice of your brave soldiers, and we musn't forget all they done for us , for our liberty. If we can help veterans, familly, friends, we will do it.
So don't hesitate to ask, to tell what you need if this wonderful forum.
Please take care all,
Ok, I like to look at pictures in hopes to maybe see what Im looking for... Hey ya never know. I cant seem to see any pics, where do you go to look at this guy's picture cause I dont see one?
I'm puzzled too. I don't know what happened to the attached photos. It's not you; they have disappeared. WOW! Must be a poltergeist!! YIKES!
Hey, if anyone who posted photos here could go back and re-attach, that would be great. I know that's asking a lot since it was so long ago, but perchance...
Sorry, gang; me is stumped!