Found this photo - it's not in very good condition & this
is the best my friend Tom could do with it using photoshop.
My Dad wrote on the back" VI Corps September 1944 "so it's
gotta be in France & there are mountains in the background.
Here it is for whatever it's worth.
The photo has definitely seen some action, but it still captures the moment .
And yes, that would be southern France.
What I can make out is 3 or 4 riflemen and colors bearer Gi's standing behind are at
attention. Looking towards bldg. Didn't see bldg like that in Italy so it must be
France. Probably getting ready for medals' awards. What say Joe, Sgtleo ?? Roque
thanks M1 and Rocky,
Probably was some kind of award ceremony.
It must've been for somebody who did something important,
I can't imagine they'd have a big ceremony like that for just anything.
Here's a photo of Dad also in Sept 44 in front of some bridge.
He wrote on the back :"Arches France".
Can't find any town called "Arches".
Judging by their condition, he must've carried these pics
around with him. He appears to be about to smile at - looks like
a dog in the foreground - maybe "Sally" again.
THANKS Martin!! 
We learn something new every day! 
It appears to me that the group to the right of the color bearer is a band. My best guess would be it was a ceremony at 6th Corps headquaters around 15 September when the U.S. 6th Army Group became operational under command of Lt. Gen. Jacob L. Devers and, with the U.S. Seventh Army and the First French Army, passed from control of Allied Force Headquarters to the control of Supreme Headquarters, Allied Expeditionary Force (SHAEF).