I have only managed to listen to about 5 minutes so far, just listening to their voices gets your emotions going. I will listen to more, please keep the link going.
The friendship of these two men is outstanding.
To hear, in their own voices, what they went through makes you understand even more what hardships they and others went through. I wish more veterans could put on tape what they experienced. The written word does not give the impact or emotion that a voice can give, especially when it is the voice of someone that was there.
Pvt Puddles
E Co, 506, 101.
Screaming Eagles Living History Group, UK
Dear Private Puddles:
Yes, I know this has even more signifigance for you and your buddies since you are potraying members of the Screaming Eagles, E Co. Don't worry, this post will remain here permanently.
It's a great interview, and I know that you will enjoy the rest of it once you get a chance. The friendship between Bill and Babe is too much for words. These men have talked to each other EVERY DAY for decades. Every day! Now that's a buddy, a real band of brothers.