Thanks Colin. I sure have enjoyed our friendship along the way, and I DO appreciate your support. Sure means a lot!
I am sitting here laughing at myself right now, for am listening to one last narrative of mine, and hearing on part made me bust out laughing. Ewwww, I said to myself, what were you thinking?
At least I can still laugh at myself, for it I couldn't, I would be swinging from the rafters right about now.
If I don't re-do these couple of sentences, I would be CRINGING every time I heard them in the future. EGAD!!!
Take your time for this to do it correctly Marion. Like Collin said: You're always in our mind.
Ya, I DO want to make sure it's as good as it can be. I surely don't want to ship it with errors which can easily be fixed. There's no excuse for sloppiness.
Have a TV station who may be interested. The gentleman is supposed to get back with me next week. That is exciting!!!
I hope everything will come together for you Marion This news is really exciting. I ope they will broadcast it.
Trying to get past any technical glitches before I can send to publisher. VERY time-consuming.
It takes about an hour to burn an ISO disk to hard drive for each chapter, then it has to be rendered to a DVD, which takes more time. Then I view and if I find any problems, I have to correct them and start the entire process all over again. Sigh!
Just finished an ISO run a few minutes ago, and now have to burn to DVD to watch later today. Oh GOD, wish me luck. I hope this is the final run....
You did a helluva job Marion. I do hope there won't be any problems from now on.
Good luck.
My stomach is about in knots right now. Just need to get over this hurdle so I can work on rest of project. Oh please God!???

The documentary went out to the publisher today. Can you believe it? I keep having to pinch myself. I sure hope everyone here will share in my joy. I am on top of the world today.
It will take about 10 days to get a proofing copy and if I am happy with it, then all systems are go.
The set will be available on an E-Store for all of you, and to the general public via
I will keep you posted when it becomes available.

I read it on Facebook Marion and believe me, we all share your joy.
This is terrific news !! We are anxious to see the final results.
Thanks for all your hard work .All of us are cheering for you .